Computer Purchase Consulting


Pathways Networking’s computer purchase consulting service has been a cornerstone of their offerings since it’s inception.  We pride ourselves on providing expert guidance to clients in choosing the ideal computer setup tailored to their specific requirements. Here’s an overview of the process involved in this consulting service:

  • Our Process:

·      Actively investigating the software needs: We actively listen and question to ensure we are understanding the software requirements for the computer. 


·      Listening to the clients preferences: Macs, Windows, or Linux? Understanding the users preconceived biases, and how they affect their willingness to change regardless the actual needs of the company.


·      Budget Considerations: Every company has their budget for computers, and we need to do our absolute best to meet those budgets.


·      Combining all of this data to advise on the best computer for their needs: We look at the above, and create the perfect computer for the clients needs. We know how to avoid telling you to buy too much or too little computer. The ideal computer is between 125% and 150% of the current needs.  This ensures the computers will last through the Planned Obsolescence period

Pathways Networking’s computer purchase consulting service prioritizes attentive listening, comprehensive analysis of user needs and preferences, software requirements assessment, budget consciousness, and strategic advice to ensure clients acquire the most suitable and cost-effective computer setup without falling into the traps of overspending or underestimating their computing needs.